After 15 years of raising awareness and funding to end child abuse, our foundation has made an important change. In cooperation with UPMC Pinnacle Foundation, we have created the Joe Allegrini Children's Hero Endowment Fund. Effective immediately, we are transitioning into this newly formed fund. We are grateful for this new opportunity that will allow Joe's memory to continue in perpetuity. If you are inclined to continue donating to this cause in his memory, please follow this link to do so.
The Joe Allegrini Childrens Hero Endowment
We extend our most heartfelt gratitude to all of our donors, sponsors, participants and volunteers, who so loyally joined our efforts over the years. Our success rests squarely on your shoulders, and we are eternally grateful.
While we will no longer host an annual golf tournament, we will continue to lend our support to the Children's Advocacy Center of Central Pennsylvania and fight every day to end the senselessness of child abuse.
Jean Allegrini and family